Hello Blog world! I should have known that my lack of using social media would follow into the world of blogging. I promise that I am going to try and be better at updating you about my life. We are entering into our 4th week of DTS tomorrow! I still cannot believe that the first month is almost over. It has been a busy time both challenging and amazing. Here is a general updated on what has been going on these past few weeks.
The first week started with an overview of what PHOTOGENX is about and the vision behind it. Susi and Paul Childers, the couple who started up PHOTOGENX and voice for the voiceless, spoke about the desire to use media to reach the unreached and bring awareness to global injustice. It was so powerful to hear stories of how God has used media in the past to change laws and shift things within the government. The students really were inspired and encouraged in what they could do with media.During the second week the topic was "repentance and forgiveness" it was so incredible to see how God moved in the hearts of the students. It was a tough and long week but brought such freedom. During this week the students were encouraged to ask God to reveal certain things that they needed to forgive and/or repent of. Thursday we had an application day where the students were able to verbally declare things they needed to get right with. God used this time to bring freedom and unity within our group.This past week was a little lighter which was refreshing. We were looking at the Character of God. Each day the students were getting revelation of who God is, who God isn't and how we can grow to have certain characteristics of God. I really enjoyed the teaching.Even though the teaching is directed at the students I had many times where God opened my eyes or used the teaching to touch my heart. One specific time was this past week we watched a short clip from Louie Giglio. I was just undone at how great God is and how His fingerprints are everywhere!His glory and the beauty of His creation is so great yet He still desires a relationship with me.. a sinful human. It just amazes me."When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?" PSALM 8:3-4
During this week we were given our outreach locations. I would like to announce that I will be co-leading a team to the pacific islands. Focusing on the main island of FIJI and possibly another close island! I am excited to see how God uses us in that place.God has been really stretching me through this time. I have been learning to trust Him through these past weeks. There has been up and downs but He is faithful. I ask that you continue to support me in prayer. Some specific prayer requests are to gain wisdom and discernment in leading. I want to be a good example and lead out of how God is changing me.
Thank you to all who have been supporting me both through prayer and also financially. I feel so blessed to know that there are people behind me, supporting me through this season of my life. I feel so privileged have such amazing family and friends are joining together, believing that God is going to use this school to advance the kingdom. Thank you!!
I love you and miss you <3*alyssa joline